Promela plugin improved
This functionality is available in the last version of Promela plugin.
It has been developed as part as this SFE task.
New version of MeCoSim available (12.07.04)
The new version is available in this URL.
The detailed description of the chages can be found at this SFE task.
New version of MeCoSim available (12.07.03)
A new release of MeCoSim is ready to download at DMSF.
This version make some enhancements over the Preformance engine, including an improved version of EclipseLink.
This new release of MeCoSim also includes some fixes.
Promela plugin available
A new has been developed for MeCoSim, to enable the generation of a Promela file, to run in the model checker SPIN.
Its functioning is based in the output parser for Promela, provided by Laurentiu Marian Mierla.
The plugin is available in this URL.
Daikon plugin available
A new plugin was developed for MeCoSim, to enable the extraction of outputs from the computation to Daikon, trying to extract some properties for the model.
It was necessary to set up the plugin to adapt some aspects and run with the last version of MeCoSim.
Now the plugin is available in this URL.
MeCoSim Basics plugin
A new plugin has been developed for MeCoSim, collecting the basic functionality of previously developed plugins.
The folder of this plugin is available in this URL: MeCoSim Basics Plugin.
It contains the jar file, along with the plugins-properties file to include in /plugins folder.
Two examples ready to test in MeCoSim (12.06.21)
There are two examples available in the URL.
They are ready to test with release 12.06.21 of MeCoSim.
For any questions, suggestions or comments please contact
New release of MeCoSim
A new release of MeCoSim is ready to download at DMSF.
This link includes an explanation of the main changes.
Public MeCoSim Project in Redmine
A public Redmine project for MeCoSim has been included in the Project Management System of the Research Group on Natural Computing.
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