
New version of MeCoSim available (12.07.17)

Added by Luis Valencia Cabrera over 12 years ago

This new version of MeCoSim is the result of this IM (Incident Management) Task.

The updated version can be downloaded here.

New version of MeCoSim available (12.07.11)

Added by Luis Valencia Cabrera over 12 years ago

The detected bugs are fixed in the last version of MeCoSim.

This bugs are explained in the following tasks as part of the subproject of IM (Incident Management):
- IM Task - Export custom app bug.
- IM Task - Visual and Set model bugs.

Updated version of MeCoSim available (12.07.07)

Added by Luis Valencia Cabrera over 12 years ago

A new menu item has been included en MeCoSim to permit changing the skin used for MeCoSim.

This functionality is included in the last version of MeCoSim.

It is the result of this SFE task.

New version of MeCoSim available (12.07.07)

Added by Luis Valencia Cabrera over 12 years ago

Several visual enhancements have been included in MeCoSim.
Among other changes, the user will be able to set in the config file if showing the log file in the window of the application. In addition, a new look and feel system has been included, making use of Substance 7.1 (see Insubstancial blog).

This functionality is available in the last version of MeCoSim.
It is the result of this SFE. This link shows an example of setting the log file.

P-Lingua Editor in MeCoSimBasicsPlugin Visual Improvement

Added by Luis Valencia Cabrera over 12 years ago

P-Lingua Editor has been updated to replace the visual objects for newer versions.
From a technical point of view, it implies the replacement of AWT menus for Swing-based ones.

This small enhancement has been included in MeCoSimBasicsPlugin folder.
It is the result of this STE* task.

(STE: Small Technical Enhancement).

New plugin "Multisets Viewer" inside MeCoSimBasicsPlugin

Added by Luis Valencia Cabrera over 12 years ago

A new plugin has been developed to show the multisets contained in each membrane, cell or neuron (depending on the model and its inner structure).
The plugin has been included as part of the MeCoSimBasicsPlugin.

This plugin is available in this folder in DMSF.
It is the result of this SFE.

Updated version of MeCoSim available (12.07.05)

Added by Luis Valencia Cabrera over 12 years ago

Updated version of the last release, including a mechanism to set the order of the plugins in the menu.
In the properties file, the order of the plugins can be determined by the user. If the order is not set or some ordering numbers are repeated, the order of the non-set and repeated plugins cannot be determined.

This functionality is avalable in the last release of MeCoSim.
It is the result of this SFE task.

New version of MeCoSim available (12.07.05)

Added by Luis Valencia Cabrera over 12 years ago

New version of MeCoSim including some messages to alert about possible delays, errors in P-Lingua and successful completion, among other issues.

This SFE is available with the last version of MeCoSim.
It is the result of this SFE task.

MeCoSimBasicsPlugin improved

Added by Luis Valencia Cabrera over 12 years ago

Membrane Structure Viewer adapted for non-CellLike P Systems (TissueLike, KernelLike and Spiking). Some improvements in the showed information about membranes, including some marking of the nodes depending of its role (environment, skin membrane, membrane, cell or neuron).

This improvement has been included in the last version of MeCoSimBasicsPlugin.
It is the result of this plugins development task.

Updated version of MeCoSim available (12.07.04)

Added by Luis Valencia Cabrera over 12 years ago

It seemed to be interesting to keep relative paths, when the data, model or config files are inside the folder structure of MeCoSim.

Changes in functionalities related to file paths have been performed, achieving the goals of the issue. They consist in saving the relative paths (instead of the absolute ones) when the paths are included inside the user folder (from where MeCoSim was launched).

These changes are available in the last version of MeCoSim.
This development covers the goals of this SFE task.

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