Documents / 03 - Examples

This folder collects the information about the examples. For each one, at least the following files should be present:
  • Custom application config file (.xls): spreadsheet file defining a custom application for MeCoSim.
  • Model file (.pli): P-Lingua file, containing the specification of a problem/family of problems in the framework of P systems.
  • Scenario file (.ec2): scenario file, containing the input (plus optionally output) data of a specific scenario, for a given application.
Title Size Modified Ver. Author
01 - 3-color problem
754,533 KB 2012-08-22 14:11 Luis Valencia Cabrera
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02 - Partition
719,775 KB 2012-08-22 14:19 Luis Valencia Cabrera
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03 - Subset Sum
187,395 KB 2012-08-22 14:19 Luis Valencia Cabrera
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04 - Vertex Cover
353,642 KB 2012-08-22 14:20 Luis Valencia Cabrera
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05 - Broadcasting
129,687 KB 2012-08-22 14:20 Luis Valencia Cabrera
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