Seminars 2018-2019

The Research group on Natural Computing (RGNC) organises periodic research seminars open to the general public. Anyone interested in attending is welcome to join in.

The research seminar series consists of presentations given by members of the RGNC and international leading researchers on topics related (but not restricted) to Natural Computing, Membrane Computing, Computational Biology, High Performance Computing, and Population Dynamics. Tutorials on different subjects might be also given during meetings of the group.

Research seminars are usually held on Wednesdays at 11:00 am in room "Seminario Alejandro Fernández Margarit" (H1.50) at the ETSI Informática, unless otherwise indicated.

Date Title Speaker
13/06/19 - 12:00 Spiking Neural P systems with multiple channels and autapses Xiaoxiao Song
22/05/19 - 08:30 Workshop: Fundamentals of Accelerated Computing with CUDA C/C++ Miguel Á. Martínez-del-Amor
01/04/19 - 16:30 PhD dissertation: The P vs NP problem. Development of new techniques through bio-inspired computing models
Place: salón de grados, ETS Ingeniería Informática
David Orellana-Martín
12/11/18 - 10:00 Computación paralela y eliminación de cuantificadores Jörg Flum
21/09/18 - 10:30 Polarizationless P systems with active membranes: Trading cooperation for priorities to achieve efficiency Mario J. Pérez-Jiménez
18/09/18 - 9:30 A tutorial: Simulation of PDP Systems on GPUs Miguel Á. Martínez-del-Amor and David Orellana-Martín

Seminar organisers: Miguel Ángel Martínez del Amor and David Orellana Martín

Link to other events organised by the group

Previous academic years: