New version of MeCoSim available (12.08.20)

A new version of MeCoSim has made available.
Added by Luis Valencia Cabrera about 12 years ago

This version extends the mechanism to generate parameters from the input tables, such a way that it can be generated from the output tables in a transparent way for the end user.
A parallel mechanism to generate text parameters have been also included. These parameters are not being used to complement the P-Lingua model, but can be passed to any plugin, as can be seen in Graphs plugin.

In addition, the Save and Save As functionalities have been modified to include the saving of the output tables (if set in the config file).

These functionalities have made available in the current version of MeCoSim.

The following plugins have been updated:
  • Development of different options to generate numeric graphs from the number of vertices or from a list of edges, text graphs from a list of text edges, or a tree of graphs or trees, showing a number of graphs per step and membrane)
