Solving the Subset-Sum problem by P systems with active membranes

TitleSolving the Subset-Sum problem by P systems with active membranes
Publication TypeJournal Papers
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsPérez-Jiménez, M. J., & Riscos-Núñez A.
Journal TitleNew Generation Computing
Place PublishedTokyo, Japón

We present the first membrane computing solution to the Subset-Sum problem using a family of deterministic P systems with active membranes. We do not use priority among rules, membrane dissolution nor cooperation; it suffices to control the electrical charges of the membranes and to introduce some counters. The number of steps of any computation is of the linear order (but it is necessary a polynomial-time of precomputed resources).

KeywordsActive Membranes, Complexity Classes, Membrane computing, Subset-Sum Problem
ISSN Number0288-3635